A Complete Guide to Transporting Hydrochloric Acid

The transportation of hazardous materials via road is a crucial aspect of modern society’s function. At Suttons, we recognise the significance of the materials we transport and their irreplaceable roles in our daily lives.

Ensuring the efficient and safe transportation of these materials is our first priority.  One of the most popular hazardous materials we transport is hydrochloric acid, which plays a vital role in the running of our world. 

What is Hydrochloric Acid? 

Hydrochloric acid is produced by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water and is highly corrosive. 

When in solution, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is a colourless to slightly yellow liquid. It is usually transported in its liquid state because it is a highly corrosive liquid that reacts negatively with strong alkalis and must be handled with care.

Hydrochloric acid is often the by-product of other chemical processes and is a crucial player in industrial and commercial sectors. 

Suttons truck

How Hydrochloric Acid is Used

Hydrochloric acid transportation is crucial due to the product’s widespread use, increasing its demand. This essential chemical plays a crucial role in various daily uses. Some of its uses include:


Hydrochloric acid is a brilliant acidifying reagent essential in titration and other experimental procedures, such as dissolving metal samples and sanitising laboratory equipment. 

Hydrochloric acid is also used for protein hydrolysis, which is the process of turning proteins into amino acids so that they may be analysed. 

Cleaning and Sanitation

Due to its corrosive properties, hydrochloric acid is often used in cleaning products to remove tough stains. It is found in most intensive cleaners, such as toilet and tile cleaners. 

Steel Pickling

Hydrochloric acid is an essential component in steel pickling. This process removes rust and other impurities from steel, and it is commonly used to repair car bodies and tools. 


Hydrochloric acid is commonly used to adjust the acidity of solutions, playing a crucial role in controlling the pH levels of swimming pools.

Food Processing

Hydrochloric acid is used to process a selection of food products. It enhances the flavour of the food, reduces spoilage, and ensures that food has a longer shelf life. 

Hydrochloric acid also has several miscellaneous uses, such as bulbs and fireworks. As you can see, it plays a key role in our daily lives, which is why we aim to make all of our deliveries as quick and efficient as possible. 

Following ADR Regulations

At Suttons, we must comply with ADR regulations because we transport hazardous goods such as hydrochloric acid. These guidelines, developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), ensure the safe transportation of dangerous goods. 

Hydrochloric acid is classified as hazardous due to its corrosive nature. Because of this, proper classification, labelling, packaging, and transportation require adherence to ADR regulations.

Adherence to ADR regulations for hydrochloric acid entails; 

  • Proper Classification: We are responsible for classifying all substances based on their inherent hazards. Hydrochloric acid is transported as a category 2 or 3 substance, contingent on its strength.
  • Documentation: Hazardous materials such as hydrochloric acid should only travel in accompaniment with proper documentation. 
  • Vehicle Exigencies: All transportation vehicles must adhere to specific standards, including having the necessary equipment and markings.
  • Packaging: Safe containment is a priority when transporting any hazardous goods.
  • Certified Drivers: Every driver must have the right accreditations before transporting hazardous goods. All of our drivers have obtained an ADR Vocational Training Certificate (VTC).
Loaded tanker truck

At Suttons, we take our responsibility for safe transportation seriously. We want all products to arrive efficiently for you and ensure the safety of our drivers, your team and the general public.

Specified Conditions For Hydrochloric Acid Transport

With every hazardous good we transport, we adjust our process to meet the requirements of each product. 

Due to its corrosive nature, Suttons has established a specific procedure for transporting hydrochloric acid. This procedure involves comprehensive preplanning and the use of the best protective equipment. 

The following information explains our hydrochloric acid transportation process in more detail. 

Loading of Hydrochloric Acid

Safety and efficiency are our main priorities when it comes to transporting hydrochloric acid. Before any journey starts, we conduct thorough inspections to ensure everything runs smoothly. 

Pump System and Sealed Connectors

When transporting hazardous materials, we depend on a closed-loop system to move the goods from tank to tank and minimise exposure. This is especially important for the transportation of hydrochloric acid, as any leaks could damage and irritate anyone who comes in contact with it.  

Before transporting hydrochloric acid from tank to tank, we first check that our pump systems are in full operation and there are no potential leaks.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All personnel involved in the transportation process must use the recommended PPE. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Goggles
  • Gloves
  • Protective clothing
  • Face shields 

These measures ensure that all of our drivers are safe during transportation and prevent them from experiencing exposure to hydrochloric acid. Our drivers can only carry out the transportation with the appropriate PPE. 

Thorough Tank Integrity Checks

Before the hydrochloric acid is loaded, our tankers are thoroughly checked to ensure there are no leaks or potential for contamination. These initial checks are crucial, as the integrity of the tankers is essential in the delivery process. 

Emergency Response Plans

We know that transporting any hazardous material comes with its own risks, which is why we will always devise an emergency response plan before any delivery is made. 

These emergency response procedures are in place in case of spills, crashes, or other accidents, intending to protect everyone involved.  Drivers receive specialised training which teaches them which steps to follow in an emergency, including contacting the right authorities and containing the contamination area. 

Suttons loading dock

The Process of Transporting Hydrochloric Acid

Once all of our security procedures have been carried out, our trained drivers can start the transportation process. 

Suttons’ Technologically Advanced Tanker Trucks 

To deliver hazardous goods, we use specialised tankers designed to contain and transport the contents safely. 

Our tankers come in a range of sizes. They are kitted out with corrosion-resistant materials such as stainless steel and rubber, ensuring they can withstand the harsh nature of our chemicals without degrading. 

Tankers are also designed with enforced walls and sealing systems to decrease the likelihood of spills and leaks occurring. 

Hazardous materials commonly generate pressure during transportation, so all of our tankers are fitted with pressure-release valves to reduce the risk of accidents or explosions.  

Our main priority is the safety of our drivers, which is why all of our tankers are equipped with venting systems to minimise the build-up of dangerous gases.

Certified Personnel

ADR-certified drivers operate all of our tankers to ensure the safety of all those involved in the transportation process. These drivers are trained to handle hazardous materials such as hydrochloric acid safely. 

At Suttons, we will always emphasise the importance of maintaining the safety of all of our deliveries. Our drivers must undergo ongoing training to remain up to date with the latest safety protocols. 

All of our drivers have received extensive training in emergency preparedness and are equipped with spill response kits so they can act quickly in an emergency. 

Certified Suttons driver

Prepared Route Planning

Before transporting Hydrochloric acid, we always plan our drivers’ routes to ensure the safe delivery of our hazardous products. 

We often coordinate our deliveries with local authorities to secure necessary transport permits based on the nature of the product being transported and its hazardous rating.

Spill Containment Systems

With corrosive products such as hydrochloric acid, spills could be potentially dangerous for anyone involved, so our tankers are equipped with spill containment systems. In case of unexpected spills, spill containment pans and drip trays are also utilised during loading and unloading. 

At Suttons, no expense is spared when it comes to making the process as safe as possible. That’s why all of our tankers have overflow sensors and automatic shut-off valves. These ensure that the tankers are filled within capacity and there is no risk of overflow.

Unloading Hydrochloric Acid

Now that you know more about our transportation process, it is essential to know that we hold the same safety standards when unloading our products as when loading our products. 

Our drivers are trained to uphold Suttons’ standards through every step of the transportation process and must follow our strict unloading procedures.

Suttons’ Unloading Procedures

When unloading hazardous materials such as hydrochloric acid, we follow strict procedures to ensure smooth operation and uphold safety. 

First, we access the unloading site to ensure it meets safety and environmental standards. This can include inspecting the site’s emergency response equipment. We will not unload the product if it does not meet Suttons’ standards. 

Our drivers will then verify all of the necessary documentation, including the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), which includes all of the hydrochloric acid information and verifies whether the destination can safely handle the substance. 

Once the necessary information is verified, we will position the tankers in the designated unloading bay. As hydrochloric acid can release flammable gases, we ground the tanks to prevent creating static that could ignite the product.

Sealed Connection

Once we are ready to unload, we will connect our hoses to the tanker using sealed and leak-proof couplings to help prevent spillage. If necessary, we will also equalise the pressure inside the tanker to ensure the safe transfer of the hydrochloric acid. 

A trained operator monitors the entire process, including the unloading, to ensure smooth operation. 

One of our tankers

Execute Post-transport Procedures

Once transportation is complete, our team will then start the post-unloading procedures. 

An important part of this process is disconnecting and draining the hoses to remove residual hydrochloric acid and prevent liquid from spilling upon disconnection. 

All hoses are disconnected using sealed dry-disconnect systems which effectively prevent any leaking and overflow. Once the hoses are cleaned, they will be crapped to avoid any cross-contamination. 

The tanker is then inspected to ensure that it is emptied and ready for return to base. If our team discovers any discrepancies, they will report them when we complete the delivery documentation. 

By law, we are required to file a report on the completion of delivery, especially when we transport high-risk products.

Our drivers will complete the necessary delivery documentation, which details the quantity of material unloaded and further details about the product. The receiver then signs off on the documentation. 

How We Ensure Environmental Safety

When transporting hazardous goods, Suttons is responsible for maintaining the environmental safety of all the areas we pass through; we are aware of the potential severity of the ecological impacts that can be caused if an accident occurs with our deliveries. 

We work to avoid environmental risks by conducting thorough and continuous risk assessments and evaluating the condition of our tankers at every step. We pride ourselves on the expert training that we give our drivers and commend them for their safe practice. 

Transporting Hydrochloric Acid With Suttons Tankers

Suttons Tankers are at the forefront of chemical logistics, making us the right choice for your transportation needs. 

With every delivery we make, we prioritise safe and efficient practices while considering our environmental impact. We take pride in offering our customers a quick and reliable service and ensuring they receive the products they need.

If you would like to enquire about our hydrochloric acid logistics or learn more about what we do at Suttons, contact our team today. 

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